Body You Crave Podcast



Needing a Break From Weight Loss

Have you ever needed a break from losing weight? 


A break from the hassle, heartache, and constant deprivation? 


Or maybe life was a little overwhelming and you couldn’t maintain your diet with everything else going on?  


Whether you’ve hit a...

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Self Love is Great, But...

For a long time I believed that once I lost the weight, THEN I’d be happy, confident, proud, and could finally love myself. But I had to lose the weight first.

Turns out, if you’re always looking for your external result (weight loss) to create your internal feeling (self love,...

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5 Reasons Youโ€™re NOT Addicted to Sugar

Sugar is one of those “easy villains.”

It’s easy to attack it and talk about how evil or toxic it is, and some have gone as far to claim that you may be addicted to it.

But that’s just fake news.

You might be using sugar as a coping mechanism, but that’s vastly...

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3 Steps to Beat Procrastination [& Get Unstuck]

A few years ago I had a marketing job, and even though it wasn’t hard, it wasn’t specifically what I wanted to be doing. 


My manager would come in with a task and I would often find myself spinning around in my chair to pop open my snack drawer thinking, “a snack...

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Combatting the Fear of Regaining Weight

While many women are curious when I talk about losing weight eating the foods they love, there’s also a sense of fear and anxiety that it won’t work for them and they’ll end up gaining the weight back. 


And I get it. 


I struggled for years and years to...

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What to do if you re-gained in 2021

If you find yourself losing weight, only to gain it back 6-12 months later… Keep reading. 


Why does it seem like all diets work?

Because they do… until they don’t. 


Because when you start to ‘cheat’ or get bored, sick, travel, forget your...

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How to crush 2022

Happy New Year!


The New Year always brings a fresh wave of motivation and excitement, but these feelings are fleeting. And let’s be real, most of us ditch our habits and goals by March. 


That’s ok - there’s no shame or judgement - but let’s decide to...

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Ready, Set, Travel!

What do you think is easier...

Gaining weight while traveling?

Or losing weight while traveling?


What if I told you that both were equally easy?

It's easy to blame circumstances (like travel, the holidays, eating out) for why we can't lose weight or stick with eating plans...

But just...

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Handling Holiday Stress & Overwhelm

Ever feel like the holidays are stressful?

"There’s so much to do and not enough time!"


The problem is that we blame situations for our stress & overwhelm instead of understanding where stress REALLY comes from. 

Stress is a FEELING, which means it comes from our THOUGHTS....

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How to Make Saying "No" Feel Easy

Have you ever been told to "just say no" to the 'bad' foods or foods you shouldn't be eating?


Do you feel like losing weight requires you to say no to foods you love and enjoy?


Do you ever feel like if you could just muster up more willpower, then you could stick with your diet and...

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End the War with Food

"Fun" and "easy" are two words rarely associated with weight loss, but that's the primary reason most diets have a 1% success rate.


In order to lose weight and actually keep it off, you've got to have a process that works for YOU in any phase of life.


The real reason we don't know...

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Overdoing it During the Holidays

Thanksgiving is upon us! 

And given that Thanksgiving is the #1 overeating day of the year, it's high time we talk about overeating, over drinking, why we do it, and how to break that pattern this year. 

A lot of people, articles, new stories are going to give you a lot of tactical...

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