Body You Crave Podcast
With the modern world that we are living in right now, one would think that topics around sex are already normal, but it's not. It is just not a topic that most of us find comfortable talking about, right?
Even if we're already married, there's this assumption that we don’t need to...
How many times have you thought about how you’re going to feel after you’ve lost the weight?
We often think that losing weight is what’s going to make us feel a certain way, but the reality is weight...
Productive procrastination (you know, when you do something you “should be” doing anyways, instead of what you actually planned)...
However you like to procrastinate best, know that this is something ALL humans do, but it...
Many of us think about leadership as a skill or characteristic for only people in the workplace, or at a certain level in their career, but what about people who work part time, or from home, or only in the home?
Leadership is seeing potential in someone else and having the courage...
You’ve likely spent more than enough time believing you can’t succeed with weight loss.
You’re an expert listing out all your failed attempts, and have no trouble making the case why you’re too old, your hormones are out of balance, your metabolism must be...
We’ve all seen those cute memes about how “everything you want is on the other side of your comfort zone,” or you should “do one thing every day that scares you…”
But how many of us actually take those consistent actions every single day?
Getting out...
For decades we’ve been told that weight loss is “basic math” or “simple science.”
We just need to eat less and exercise more.
This is the philosophy behind the “Calories In / Calories Out” (CICO) mentality, but the process of weight loss is more...
Do you feel like you need the “right” size or shaped body in order to be stylish?
Do you put off buying new clothes until you’ve “lost the weight?”
Do you buy clothes that are too small to incentivize yourself to stick with your diet /...
Patience… it’s one of those skills we all want more of, yet don’t really know how to create.
It’s also the #1 most important skill when it comes to weight loss.
In church, we’re told to pray for more patients, or simply BE more patient, without...
We often think losing weight or having the “right" size or shape body is going to make us happy. But we’re missing the #1 key factor in what really makes us happy… our THOUGHTS.
Join me on today’s bonus episode of the Body You Crave Podcast where I talk with...
From the time I was 7 or 8 I thought I was fat.
Not that I was, but there were comments I picked up from my mom, grandma, and aunt about weight and the importance of being thin or skinny. I was simply trying to make sense of the world around me, and my little brain concluded that being...
I spent my late teens and ALL of my 20’s worried about what other people thought of me. Was I thin enough, fast enough, pretty enough…
I spent over a decade as a chronic dieter - constantly trying to lose weight, never being satisfied with where I was, then terrified of...