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Decoding Procrastination

Aug 31, 2021



Productive procrastination (you know, when you do something you “should be” doing anyways, instead of what you actually planned)... 

However you like to procrastinate best, know that this is something ALL humans do, but it can lead to massive frustration, criticism, and self judgement as well. 


Here’s the bottom line: procrastination is simply another form of self protection, ie your brain is trying to keep you safe. 

Instead of thinking about it as self sabotage, which is how I would classify it, think of it as a subtle nudge that there is something unsafe about what you’re about to do. 

It often doesn’t make sense on the surface...

OF COURSE you want to lose weight - you’re not afraid of that!

OF COURSE you want to write a book, start a podcast, build a business, get promoted, strengthen your marriage, feel better about yourself… 

But the reality is there’s something on a deeper level that makes it unsafe. 


Let’s take weight loss for example, and why you might procrastinate meal prep, moving your body, going to bed before 10pm, etc. 

You might be thinking this isn’t good enough - you can’t possibly lose weight sleeping. 

Maybe you’re afraid it can’t be this simple. 

Maybe you’re afraid if you try and it doesn’t work, then there’s really no hope for you whatsoever. 

Maybe you're afraid you'll lose weight but will gain it back again, just like all the times in the past, and then it’s a constant shame-fest in your brain highlighting all the ways you suck and aren’t good enough. 

Maybe you’re afraid if you do lose weight it will negatively impact how people see you (you’ll be out of the group, you’ll be “too good” for family members, you’ll get teased / shamed, you’ll get extra attention from men… and you might like it). 

What if you plan your food this week and then can’t stick to it… now there’s this written record of how you’re not perfect and therefore not worthy of love, acceptance, approval. 


On the surface you may want to lose weight, but there are real fears underneath that desire. Fears that need to be addressed, looked at, and decided are no longer going to hold you back. 

That’s why we want to DECODE procrastination. There’s a message it’s trying to send you… are you willing to listen and receive the feedback? 


Join me on today's episode where I share:

  • The 2 core drivers of procrastination.
  • How procrastination drives our overeating and emotional eating. 
  • Why it’s so easy to procrasti-snack. 
  • The first 3 steps to decode your procrastination, so that you can get unstuck. 


There’s where you are now and then there’s the life and body you crave. 


Procrastination is one of the obstacles standing in your way, but you can’t steamroll over it and simply “try harder.” I’ll teach you how to work with your brain AND body, so that you can end emotional eating, lose weight eating the foods you love, and feel amazing about yourself - no cheating required.


Schedule your free Discovery Call here and I’ll show you how. 


Episode 04: Busting Perfectionist Fantasies 

FREE WORKSHOP: 5 Keys to End Emotional Eating