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Self Care Isn't Just Bubble Baths

Nov 17, 2021

So many of us struggle to understand what self care means and looks like on a daily basis.

We feel guilty for doing it, guilty for spending time, money, and energy on something that will only benefit ourselves, but that's often because we get wrapped up thinking that self care is all about bubble baths and massages.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm on board for weekly massages, but self care goes so deeper than that.


The point of self care isn't just so that you can serve others.

Self care needs to become a daily part of your life, because you are worth it (not because you've somehow earned it).

It's just as necessary and important as brushing your teeth every day or taking a shower.

It helps you feel better about yourself, starting today, not some distant date in the future.  


In this episode I dish out:

  • Why we feel so guilty spending time, money, and energy on our own self care.
  • Simple ways to incorporate self care into your life every day (without spending loads of extra time or money).
  • The #1 most important place to start when it comes to self care.


And be sure to join me for an all new Savor the Holidays Workshop designed to help you lose weight without sacrificing family events, holiday parties, or the foods you ❤️

Get all the details at